Press Releases 2022

Notice to the public: The United Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Barbara County (UBGC) intends to apply for state funding through the Nita M. Lowey’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers and After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens Programs in FY 2023. Our application and any waiver request will be available for public review after submission of the application. 

UBGC Media Kit is produced by our Marketing & Communications Department and is dedicated to providing easy access to contact information, branding kits, and other resources about United Boys & Girls Club of Santa Barbara County.

For more detailed information on UBGC please email us below. 

Brand Standards

  1. United Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Barbara County - Always singular and do not precede with "the."

  2. Ampersand (&) - Always used within the name of the national organization and local Clubs.

  3. Club/Clubs – Always capitalize Club(s), in the phrase Boys & Girls Club(s) and when used alone.

  4. Boys & Girls Club Movement - Refers to BGCA and Clubs collectively. Club is singular. Movement is capitalized.

  5. Club member - young people registered with the Club; member is not capitalized.

  6. Acceptable variations for Club members - Youth (plural, not singular), children and teens, kids, young people.

  7. Logo - The UBGC logo has three elements: the hands symbol and logotype (tagline in main logo).

    • Please use only the three approved logos below. Any changes to the UBGC logo have to be approved by UBGC. Reversal of hand logo is not approved and non-UBGC colors are not approved through UBGC Marketing guidelines. For Horizontal Logos, please contact

  8. Colors - Boys & Girls Club Blue #0081c6l, black for logotype #111111. See the color breakdown below.

  9. GREAT FUTURES START HERE. - UBGC tagline; always capitalized and with a period at the end. CHANGING is always italicized, bolded, and in UBGC Blue #0081c6. LIVES. if always capitalized with a period after the name in BGCA Black #111111.

Traditional Blue & Black



  • Please Contact UBGC to recieve photos for marketing purposes.

  • Please Contact UBGC to recieve photos for marketing purposes.

  • Click below to download official logos for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater San Diego. You must obtain permission from UBGC's Marketing Manager to use the organization's logos. Logos may not be modified in any way without Club permission.

    Vertical - PNG Vertical -JPEG

    Color | Black | White Color | Black | White